Como in the XVII century

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Como in the XVII Century


Dongo, Sanctuary of Madonna delle Lacrime, Peglio, S. Eusebio, Novate Mezzola, church Santissima Trinità.


The itinerary starts with the visit to the Sanctuary of Madonna delle Lacrime. Built at the beginning of the XVII century after a miraculous event, it host in its insides a suggestive sculptural group made of wood that reminds the style of the Sacri Monti. The church of S. Eusebio in Peglio is situated in an amazing panoramic location and represents one of the most important examples of the XV century in the diocese of Como. Of particular interest is the presence of the workshop of the Fiamminghini, which between 1614 and 1625 realized many of the frescos. In the afternoon you will leave the Lake of Como to reach Novate Mezzola in Valchiavenna where the church Santissima Trinità represents the highest example of the baroque in the province of Sondrio, with important canvas from the Recchi’s school.